Title : Star Wars Black Series: Crimson Empire Carnor Jax Action Figure Product Description : Immerse yourself in the galaxy far, far away with the Star Wars Black Series Carnor Jax figure. With a depiction drawn from the gripping Crimson Empire saga, Carnor Jax stands out as one of the most ambitious and ruthless members of the Emperor's Royal Guard. A perfect addition to any Star Wars collection, this figure brings a piece of the Star Wars Universe's intrigue and intensity to your hands. Figure Details : Carnor Jax action figure, approximately 6 inches in height. Exquisite detailing mirroring the iconic Crimson Empire design. Equipped with a double-tipped force pike. Figure is fully articulated for dynamic posing. Vibrant crimson armor captures Jax's Imperial allegiance. Includes a removable helmet, revealing Jax's face. Manufacturer : Hasbro Year of Manufacture : 2021